Asparagus in season has an amazing fresh flavor and texture, it’s easy to prepare, it goes well with just about any food, and it’s a good source of many nutrients. Drizzling with a lemon vinaigrette is a special and delicious way to serve it. When you see it growing in the garden or on the farm, it has a certain science fiction appearance. And what about asparagus pee?!
Food Matters! 3 ways to eat for Earth Day, every day
Just about everything we do as humans impacts our physical world, especially the food we buy and choose to eat (or not.) In fact, food accounts for more than 1/3 of global greenhouse gas emissions (GHG.) Take a 1 minute quiz to evaluate your footprint on the earth. Fortunately, eating for good health, and for that of the planet, are one and the same. The Planetary Health Diet (PHD) is comprised of high-quality plant foods—vegetables, nuts, fruits, legumes—and low amounts of animal foods, refined grains, added sugars, and unhealthy fats. (Sample menus tips.) Choices we make about food waste and food packaging are other huge considerations when it comes to Mother Nature.
Broccoli Against COVID-19? It can only help!
New preliminary research suggests that a plant compound in broccoli, that has already been shown to reduce risk for certain cancers, may also act as an anti-viral agent against COVID-19. Along with broccoli, other cruciferous (sulfur-containing) vegetables like cabbage, kale and Brussels sprouts are rich in the compound sulforaphane which can inhibit the replication of SARS COV-2, the coronavirus that causes COVID-19 in cells and mice. Although human studies have yet to be done on the effectiveness of broccoli and other veggies containing sulforaphane, it only makes good sense to include plenty of whole plant foods in your regular diet that contain potential anti-viral agents. Recipe included for SKILLET CHICKEN THIGHS WITH BROCCOLI & ORZO
Photo credit: New York Times
S'long February...Hello Heart Health!
I would be remiss to let February, known as American Heart Month, slip by without mention.
Practicing four vital lifestyle steps can dramatically reduce your risk for heart disease.
The Harvard School of Public Health offers a free online assessment to determine risk for heart disease in seemingly healthy people. Go for it…see where your lifestyle might need some health improvement. And don’t forget the dark chocolate ;)
Access to Food is a Basic Social Determinant of Health
Curbing Cancer: Dietary Patterns Reduce Risk
Although inherited genetic mutations play a role in about 5-10% of all cancers, a range of unique environmental and lifestyle factors can help reduce cancer risk. In fact, the World Health organization suggest that 40% of all cancers can be prevented with attention to lifestyle, smoking avoidance, limiting alcohol, and exercise.
5 Healthy Eating Tips for the Planet & You in ‘22!
Think about it: We each only have one body, and we all only have one planet, which is heating up fast.
Life is not a dress rehearsal!
Dieting doesn’t keep weight off long term. In fact Yo-Yo dieting (losing and re-gaining weight over time repeatedly) is extremely detrimental to physical and mental health.
Learn to find balance: take care of yourself and the environment that sustains our lives.